Management Team
As President of The WARJAM Group LTD and Managing Member of W. Riehl and Associates, LLC and WARJAM CT, LLC, William Riehl is responsible for the supervision, coordination and completion of all Construction Management, Homebuilding and Renovation activities within the firm... >> read more...
Jeff DuBois - Construction Operations Manager
As WARJAM's Construction Operations Manager since 2005, Jeff is charged with management of the daily operations that enable projects to progress smoothly and without unnecessary delay. From employee and contractor scheduling to warranty service follow-up and completion, Jeff personally oversees all fundamental project tasks to completion. In addition, Jeff is responsible for interfacing with municipal agencies for all appropriate permits and permissions. He is industrious, productive, and positive minded, which make him an integral component in our successful project completions.
Michael Bradley - Site Development Manager
A welcome addition to the WARJAM team, Michael has functioned as our Site Development Manager since 2007, providing total supervision and guidance of infrastructure installations, building foundations, roadways, and landscaping tasks. An expert at cutting through the "red tape", Michael is adept at coordinating with local and state utility companies to ensure that all WARJAM projects go un-hindered and move forward progressively.
Michelle Coelho - Options Designer
In her role as Options Designer for The WARJAM Group, Michelle works closely with each client to ensure that all interior selections, options, and pricing schemes are thoroughly expressed and understood, and she also functions as a liaison between the homeowner and the sales and marketing teams. In addition, Michelle often helps the paperwork weary homeowner through the entire building process, including the lengthy mortgage process. Most importantly, Michelle is charged with ensuring that all team members are aware of the homeowner's changing needs as they arise and provides the homeowner with continuous updates from team members, creating open communication between all parties.
Frank Melagrano - Roughing Manager In his title as Framing and Roughing Manager since 2006, Frank coordinates the daily activities of various trade contractors to complete the building shell and mechanicals. He is also responsible for assuring all trades are adhering to the project schedules.
Daniel DuBois - Finish Manager Daniel's responsibilities include the quality control of all the finish trade contractors since 2008. He is also responsible for the entire warranty program on every project, which means he is our front man after homeowner move-in to assure we always have happy clients.